Assignment 1
- Exercise 1: Noticing the design of everyday things (25%)
- Exercise 2: Learning to write good HTML (25%)
- Exercise 3: Couple Expenses App Part 1 (25%)
- Exercise 4: 6.S063 Grading Calculator (25%)
- Homework Feedback
- Submitting your homework
Assignment 2
- Exercise 1: Evaluating Graphic Design (15%)
- Exercise 2: Evaluating Learnability of a Graphics Editor (25%)
- Exercise 3: Practicing graphic design principles (35%)
- Exercise 4: Couple Expenses App Implementation (25%)
- Homework Feedback
- Submitting your homework
Assignment 3
- Exercise 1: Fix the Web with CSS! (30%)
- Exercise 2: Couple Expenses App Implementation (60%)
- Exercise 3: Poor Safety Example for Studio (10%)
- Homework Feedback
- Submitting your homework
Assignment 4
- Exercise 1: Critiquing CSS Demos (20%)
- Exercise 2: Making interactive CSS demos (80%)
- Homework Feedback
- Submitting your homework
Assignment 5
- Exercise 1: Adding CSS to your HW1 homepage (30%)
- Exercise 2: Critique another student’s Expenses App (20%)
- Exercise 3: Fix up your Expenses App (20%)
- Exercise 4: Evaluating instant messaging UIs (30%)
- Homework Feedback
- Submitting your homework
Assignment 6
- Exercise 1: Make your homepage more universal (30%)
- Exercise 2: Needfinding for chat/IM apps (40%)
- Exercise 3: Idea generation for chat/IM apps (30%)
Assignment 7
- Exercise 1: Paper prototype concepts for chat/IM apps (40%)
- Exercise 2: Exercise 2: Drag & Drop to reorder your to-do list (40%)
- Exercise 3: Create a bookmarklet that unmasks password fields (20%)
- Exercise 6: HW feedback (3%)
- Submitting your homework
Assignment 8
- Exercise 1: Additional paper prototype (20%)
- Exercise 2: User testing of your paper prototypes (40%)
- Exercise 3: Bookmarklet to hide undesirable content (40%)
Assignment 9
- Exercise 1: Iterate and implement a Balsamiq/Figma mockup of your Chat/Messaging App
- Exercise 2: Improve Typography on your website
- Exercise 3: Making a personal tracking application
Assignment 10
- Exercise 1: User testing of Balsamiq/Figma mockup of your Chat/Messaging App (30%)
- Exercise 2: Usability Enhancements for a Basic Chat Application (60%)
- Exercise 3: Improve Color on your website (10%)
Assignment 11
- Exercise 1: Adding animation on your chat app (20%)
- Exercise 2: Beginning to add Prototype Functionality using JS for Chat/Messaging App (80%)